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Herbal Medicine Formulas

Debility, To Improve General Vitality

  • Balm
  • St. Johns Wort
    Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses. Take daily doses for an extended period.

    Diabetes, Tea To Improve Sugar Tolerance

  • Pumpkin seeds, peeled
  • Fragrant valerian root
  • Bilberry leaves
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tbsp. in 1 cup boiling water. Take 1 cup in the course of a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses. More info on diabetes.

    Diabetes, Tea To Improve Sugar Tolerance

  • Mix bilberry leaves in equal parts with 1 or 2 of the following:
  • Bean pods
  • Nettle
  • Milfoil
  • European centaury
  • Dandelion
  • Blackberry leaves
  • Parboil 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup water for 10 minutes. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses, but not within an hour of meals (before or after). More info on diabetes.

    Diarrhea, Tea To Control It

  • Pomegranate (6 parts)
  • Spotted cranesbill (4 parts)
  • Colombo root (4 parts)
  • White oak bark (4 parts)
  • Black birch bark (4 parts)
  • Ginger (3 parts)
  • Wild sage (3 parts)
  • Boil 1-1/2 tsp. mixture in 2 cups water for 2 to 3 minutes, covered; let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup, morning and evening. Sweeten with honey if desired. More info on diarrhea.

    Diarrhea, Tea To Control It

  • Milfoil herb
  • Pansy herb
  • St. Benedict thistle
  • German chamomile flowers
  • American senna leaves
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Take warm. More info on diarrhea.

    Diarrhea, Tea To Control It

  • Oak bark
  • Horse chestnut bark
  • Mix in equal parts. Boil 2 tsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup water for a short time. Take unsweetened, in mouthful doses. More info on diarrhea.

    Diarrhea, Tea To Control It

  • Tormentil root
  • European mistletoe
  • Shave grass
  • Boil 1 tsp. tormentil root briefly in 1/2 cup water and steep for 1 to 2 minutes. In this tea, parboil 1 tsp. each of the other plants. More info on diarrhea.

    Diuretic, Tea To Improve the Excretion of Fluids

  • Asparagus root
  • Fennel root
  • Celery root
  • Parsley root
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup per day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses.

    Douche, Vaginal Douche for Feminine Hygiene

  • Red oak bark (4 parts)
  • Murillo bark (2 parts) (Bark of Quillai (Quillaja saponaria), an evergreen tree found in Chili. The inner bark is used for colds and fevers and as a soap substitute)
  • Black birch leaves (1 part)
  • Wild sage (1 part)
  • Lance-leaf plantain (1 part)
  • Horseweed (1 part)
  • Boil 1/2 tsp. mixture in 1 qt. water for 5 minutes; let stand until likewarm and strain. Use to soothe and heal, and also for abnormal discharges.

    Douche, Vaginal Douche for Feminine Hygiene

  • Comfrey
  • Peppermint
  • Spearmint
  • Wax myrtle
  • Mix leaves in equal parts. Steep 1/2 cup mixtue in 2 cups boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes and strain. Add warm water to make up the full amount needed.

    Douche, Vaginal Douche for Feminine Hygiene

  • Rosemary
  • Wax myrtle
  • Mix leaves in equal parts, add a pinch of alum. Steep 4 tbsp. mixture in 2 cups of boiling water for 10 minutes and strain. Add warm water to make up the full amount needed.

    Douche, Vaginal Douche for Feminine Hygiene

  • Chamomile
  • Sage
  • Wintergreen
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1/2 cup mixture in 2 cups boiling water for 10 to 20 minutes and strain. Add warm water to make up the full amount needed.

    Douche, Vaginal Douche for Feminine Hygiene

  • Alum (1 part)
  • Myrrh (2 parts)
  • Milfoil (4 parts)
  • Rosemary (4 parts)
  • Wax myrtle leaves (4 parts)
  • Bring 1/3 cup of the mixture to a boil in 2 cups of water; simmer for 10 minutes and strain. Add warm water to make up the full amount needed.


  • Birch leaves (1 part)
  • Rosemary (1 part)
  • Brier hips (1 part)
  • Nettle leaves (1 part)
  • Shave grass (2 parts)
  • Juniper berries (2 parts)
  • Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/3 to 1 cup a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.

    Dysentery, A Tea For Relief

  • Black pepper (1 part)
  • Coriander (2 parts)
  • Sweet flag root (powdered) (30 parts)
  • Boil 2 oz. of the mixture in 1 pint of water until 1 cup liquid remains. Strain immediately. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. More info on dysnetry.


  • European mistletoe
  • Peony root
  • Orange flowers
  • Soak 1 tbsp. mistletoe leaves and 1 tsp. berries in 1/2 cup cold water for 6 to 8 hours. Steep 1 tsp. each of peony root and orange flowers in 1 cup boiling water. When ready to drink, mix the 2 teas. Administer in mouthful doses.


  • Crush raw cranberries and add buttermilk to produce a paste. Put directly on the skin and cover with a cloth to keep it on.

  • Erysipelas, Herbal Dressing

  • Witch hazel powder (50 parts)
  • Wild indigo powder (5 parts)
  • Myrrh powder (2 parts)
  • Boric acid powder (20 parts)
  • Echinacea powder (2 parts)
  • Blend thoroughly. Use as a dusting powder, particularly where inflammation becomes septic.

    Feet, A Tea To Reduce Swelling

  • Oak bark
  • Wormwood
  • Shave grass
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take in tablespoon doses

    Fever, Tea To Comfort and Reduce Fever

  • Sallow bark
  • Yellow gentian root
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for at least 5 minutes. Take 1/2 to 1 cup, in mouthful doses, as needed. More info on fevers.

    Galactagogue, A Tea For Nursing Mothers

  • Anise seed
  • Dill seed
  • Sweet marjoram
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.On the subject of successful nursing: Antiseptics should not be used for either mother's breast or for baby's mouth. Ordinary cleanliness is all that is essential. It has been conclusively proven that baby consumes 2/3 of the entire nursing during the first 5 minutes. It is then that he suckles hard and quickly. It is then also that he takes in considerable quantities of air which often cause distress.

    When baby has nursed 4 to 5 minutes he should be taken from the breast and placed over mother's shoulder, abdomen down, then gently patted for a few moments in order that he may bring up whatever gas is within. This should be repeated 2 or 3 times during a 20 minute feeding.

    Gall Bladder Problems

  • Alder buckthorn bark (1 part)
  • Restharrow root (5 parts)
  • Yellow gentian root (5 parts)
  • Peppermint leaves (10 parts)
  • Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses. More info on gall bladder problems.

    Gall Stones, Tea To Assist In Passing

  • St. Benedict thistle
  • Mallow flowers
  • Calendula
  • Pansy
  • Alder buckthorn bark
  • Milfoil
  • Steep 1 to 2 tsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1-1/2 cups a day. More info on gall bladder problems.

    Gastrointestinal Problems

  • Juniper berries
  • Wormwood
  • Chamomile
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day, in mouthful doses.

    To Strengthen the Gastrointestinal System

  • Peppermint leaves (2 parts)
  • Lavender flowers (4 parts)
  • Thyme (5 parts)
  • Steep 2 tsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.

    Gout & Rheumatism, Tea For Relief

  • Sallow bark
  • Birch leaves
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for 5 minutes. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses, as needed. Sweeten with honey if desired. More info on gout & rheumatism.

    Gout & Rheumatism, Tea For Relief

  • Birch leaves
  • Alder buckthorn bark
  • Nettle leaves
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses. More info on gout & rheumatism.

    Gravel & Stones, A Tea To Help Pass Them

  • Birch leaves
  • Witch grass
  • Speedwell
  • Chicory
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1-1/2 cups a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses.

    Hair, Loss Of

    - (a scalp massage mixture)
  • Nettle leaves (1 part)
  • Onion (1 part)
  • 70% alcohol (100 parts)
  • Soak the leaves and onion in the alcohol for several days. Use to assage the scalp daily.

    Heart, A Tea For a Nervous Heart

  • Fragrant valerian root
  • Lavender flowers
  • Chamomile
  • Fennel
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 2 tsp in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.

    Heart, A Tea For a Nervous Heart

  • Arnica flowers (1 part)
  • Rue leaves (2 parts)
  • Balm leaves (3 parts)
  • Borage herb & flowers (1 part)
  • Great burnet root (3 parts)
  • Steep 1 tsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 cup a day in mouthful doses.

    Hemorrhoids, A Healing Herbal Enema

  • Willow bark (8 parts)
  • Read oak bark (8 parts)
  • Wild sage leaves (3 parts)
  • Pilewort (3 parts)
  • Horseweed (3 parts)
  • Boil 1-1/2 tsp. mixture in 1 pint water. Let stand until cold, then strain. Use as a rectal enema before going to bed. More info on hemorrhoids.

    A Tea Mixture To Relieve Hemorrhoids Internally

  • Alder buckthorn bark
  • Milfoil
  • Licorice root
  • Fennel seed
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink hot. More info on hemorrhoids.

    A Tea Mixture To Relieve Hemorrhoids Internally

  • Balm (3 parts)
  • Blackthorn flowers (3 parts)
  • Milfoil (3 parts)
  • Arnica flowers (5 parts)
  • Alder buckthorn bark (15 parts)
  • Soak 1 tbsp. of the mixture in 1/2 cup cold water for 6 hours, then bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Take 1 cup a day. More info on hemorrhoids.

    Influenza, A Remedy Tea Mixture

  • Juniper berries
  • Coltsfoot
  • Lance-leaf plantain
  • Black elder flowers
  • Sallow bark
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses. More info on influenza.

    Insomnia, Tea To Help You Sleep

  • Fragrant valerian (1 part)
  • St. Johns Wort (2 parts)
  • Hops (3 parts)
  • Lavender flowers (5 parts)
  • Primrose flowers (10 parts)
  • Steep 1-1/2 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. When cool enough to drink, add 1 tsp. honey. Take before going to bed. More info on insomnia.

    Insomnia, Tea To Help You Sleep

  • Hops (3 parts)
  • Fragrant valerian root (2 parts)
  • Steep 1 tsp. mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses. Do not take for more than 2 or 3 weeks without interruption. More info on insomnia.

    Insomnia, Tea To Help You Sleep

  • Lavender flowers
  • Primrose flowers
  • St. Johns Wort
  • Fragran valerian root
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 heaping tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. take shortly before going to bed, a mouthful as a time. More info on insomnia.

    Insomnia, Tea To Help You Sleep

    This mixture is especially good for nervous insomnia)
  • Dill seed (2 parts)
  • Anise seed (2 parts)
  • Chamomile (1 part)
  • Hops (1 part)
  • Use 1/2 cup of boiling water. When lukewarm, add 1 tsp. honey. Sip just before retiring. More info on insomnia.

    Insomnia, Tea To Help You Sleep

  • Dill seed
  • Fennel seed
  • Peppermint leaves
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup warm, sweetened with raw sugar or honey, before going to bed. More info on insomnia.

    Insomnia, Tea To Help You Sleep

  • Fragrant valerian root
  • Balm
  • Lavender
  • Milfoil
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 to 2 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for a short time. Take warm. More info on insomnia.

    For Insomnia Due To Overexhaustion or Neurasthenia

  • Balm
  • Hops
  • Fragrant valerian root
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. More info on insomnia.

    Kidney Problems

  • Rhubarb root (1 part)
  • Restharrow (1 part)
  • Sticklewort (2 parts)
  • Steep 1-1/2 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup before breakfast, and 1 cup more during the rest of the day. More info on kidney problems.

    Kidney Problems

  • This tea is helpful when the kidney show signs of bleeding
  • Shepherd's purse
  • Shave grass
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take unsweetened. More info on kidney problems.

    Kidney Problems

  • Bearberry leaves (8 parts)
  • Witch grass (6 parts)
  • Buchu (5 parts)
  • Button snakeroot (3 parts)
  • Pipsissewa herb (3 parts)
  • Juniper berries (3 parts)
  • Celery seed (1 part)
  • Lovage root (1 part)
  • Boil 1-1/2 tsp. mixture in 2 cups water for 2 to 3 minutes; let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup, morning and evening. Sweeten if desired. More info on kidney problems.

    Laryngitis & Hoarseness

  • Mallow flowers
  • Althea root
  • Licorice root
  • Mullein
  • Coltsfoot
  • Pimpernel
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water; sweeten with honey and take hot or Soak 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of cold water for 6 hours, then bring to a boil and steep for 5 minutes. Take hot.

    Laryngitis & Hoarseness

  • Burnet saxifrage root (6 parts)
  • Licorice (6 parts)
  • Fennel seed (2 parts)
  • Elecampane root (2 parts)
  • Althea root (2 parts)
  • Wild sage (2 parts)
  • Boil 1 tsp. mixture in 3 cups water for 2 to 3 minutes; let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup, morning, noon, and night.


  • Shepherd's purse
  • Blind nettle
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses.


  • Oil of camphor (7 parts)
  • Oil of cloves (2 parts)
  • Oil of wintergreen (3 parts)
  • Oil of eucalyptus (3 parts)
  • Oil of origanum (3 parts)
  • Mix thoroughly. Use for soreness, swelling, pain, stiffness, colds, etc. Shake the bottle well before using each time.

    Liver Problems

  • Chicory flowers (1 part)
  • Woodruff (1 part)
  • Dandelion root (2 parts)
  • Speedwell (2 parts)
  • Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 cup a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses.

    Liver Problems

  • Alder buckthorn bark (1 part)
  • Restharrow root (5 parts)
  • Yellow gentian root (5 parts)
  • Peppermint leaves (10 parts)
  • Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.

    Liver Problems

  • Alder buckthorn back (2 parts)
  • Woodruff (2 parts)
  • Rosemary (3 parts)
  • Celandine (6 parts)
  • Steep 2 tsp. in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Take 1/2 cup before breakfast and 1/2 cup before going to bed, in mouthful doses.

    Liver Problems

  • Sticklewort
  • Cleavers
  • Woodruff
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1-1/2 cups a day.
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