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Herbs From Home!
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AT LAST: Up to the minute expert advice for herbal enthusiast and gardeners on herbs and gardening methods...directly from the world's foremost authorities! And best of all IT'S FREE!

Would You Like to Get the 'Inside Scoop' On How To Make Your Own Remedies & Skin Care Products?

"If You Would Like To Know How To Treat Most Common Diseases, Without Using Harsh Drugs, Then You Are In the Right Place"

The Herbs For Home newsletter is full of healthful and hopeful news about herbal remedies, healing common ailments with herbs, herb gardening, and herb cooking tips. We are not here not sell you a bunch of junk or send you an email full of ads. This free newsletter is devoted to educating our subscribers and customers on various aspects of herbs, and will include such varied subjects as: a focus on a particular herb (or its entire genus), growing and harvesting tips, cooking with herbs and accompanying recipes, recommendations on organic growing, and any other thoughts that happen to be crossing our minds as we go to print.

We look forward to receiving your subscription request right now.

We are not going to insult your intelligence by offering some *free fluff* just to entice you to subscribe to our newsletter.  It is valuable enough to stand on it's own.   (You don't need another free report clogging up your email box anyway)

Dozen's of so-called "experts" beg us, *borrow our ideas*, and even try to bribe us to share the our research and herbal knowledge with them... they tell us the Herbs For Home is one of the few quality newsletters that they open and read as soon as it arrives.

Complete the Form Below and In Every Jam-Packed Issue, You'll Receive...

  • Ask the Herbalist - Your questions answered by our resident herbalist!
  • Herb of the Month - Featured herb every month and we will inform you of its uses and healing properties!
  • Book of the Month Club - Books come out daily on herbalism. We review the latest! Always objective!
  • No B.S. Product Review - Herbal formulas are being sold everywhere. We find the good, bad, & the fakes!
  • Herbal Hotsheet - We research the web to bring you the hottest sites, links, news on herbs & gardening!
  • Guest Author of the Month - A new, featured article by an expert in the industry. Don't miss this!
  • Gardening Tips - We want you to be a successful herb gardener. With these tips you'll be on your way!
  • Forum Top 10 - We'll list the top 10 discussions from the herb forum every month! You'll never miss a gem!
  • Jealousy Guarded Freebies - We reveal sources for free herbs, free gardening tools, free books & more!

    Just read what some of our subscribers have to say about Herbs For Home.

    Sign up today and you'll receive links to some FREE BONUSES that we make exclusive to our subscribers!
  • We wish you health and happiness!

    - eMedicinal.com

    P.S.- You have nothing to lose because you can easily un-subscribe at anytime -- right at the bottom of each email message you receive... and your information is 100% safe. We will NOT rent, trade, or release your name to any third party for any reason. We respect YOUR email privacy and hate spam with a passion.

    You will receive a conformation email address to verify you wish to subscribe.

    NOTE: Due to the SPAM world, you will need to create a filter to accept mail form or you will never see this newsletter. Please ask your ISP for support, or we may not be able to help you.

    Sign Up for the "Herbs For Home" Newsletter Today!

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    NOTE: All information submitted is treated confidentially and used for our internal purposes only. We do NOT distribute our clients' information to any outside companies or vendors.

    Writers Get Published!

    If you have a great article idea or would like to have your worked published. Please contact us for a submission for a future newsletter.

    Herbs For Home Testimonials

    All the testimonials below are genuine and unsolicited testimonials we have received from subscribers of Herbs For Home:

    I read every newsletter and forward it to those I feel would benefit from it. My daughter even has said thank you for some of the articles. Thank you for all the information and all the resources available. - Becky McGlaughlin, Home Gardener, Clinton, MI
    I am on a zillion talk lists and receive even more newsletters, but I just want to let you know yours is one of the most informative and easy to read. &;-) - Tina Sanderson, Fort Lauderdale, FL
    Thanks very much for your continued newsletter service. It is very valuable to us as weekend gardeners, and has helped keep us in touch with key issues. - Mitch, Boston, MA
    Your newsletter is wonderful and informative......I want to thank you for taking the time to inform us all....it's appreciated and full of valuable information on herbal preparations and using them to heal many ailments. - Sarah Boecker, Arcadia, IL

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