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Herbal Medicine Formulas
Devil's bit
Meadow sweet
Mullein leaves
Silver weed
Stinging nettle
Strawberry leaves
Toad flax
Yellow dock
Iceland moss
Irish moss
Horsetail grass
Meadow sweet
Shepherd's purse
Silver weed
Toad flax
Broom tops
Fennel seed
Meadow sweet
Plantain leaves
Scouring rush
Shepherd's purse
Silver weed
Stinging nettle
Caraway seed
Licorice root
Marigold flowers
Meadow sweet
Sweet flag
American centaury
Birch bark
Carrot leaves
Chamomile flowers (German)
Couch grass
Fennel seed
Nettle leaves
Oak bark
Plantain leaves
Primrose flowers
Summer savory
Walnut leaves
Found in all plants, but in Horsetail in particular
Black willow bark
Carrot leaves
Meadow sweet
Mullein leaves
Silver weed
Toad flax
Walnut leaves
All plants contain chlorine in the form of sodium chloride
Black willow
Fennel seed
Meadow sweet
Shepherd's purse
Stinging nettle
European centaury
Nettle leaves
Brier hip
Mix in equal parts. Let 1 tbsp. soak in 1 cup cold water for 8 hours. Then bring quickly to a boil and steep for 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey. Take in the course of a day, in mouthful doses.
More info on anemia.
Mother of thyme
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses. More info on anemia.
European centaury
St. Johns Wort
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 level tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water; then add 1 tsp. honey. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.
More info on anemia.
Aphrodisiac Tea
Mexican daiana leaves
Saw palmetto berries
Powder and mix in equal parts. Take 1 to 2 tsp. a day, in water, wine or gelatin capsules.
Aphrodisiac Tea
Jasmine flowers
Rose buds
Rose hips
Tea leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 3 tbsp. mixture in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey and add lemon if desired.
Aphrodisiac Bath
Corn poppy
Early-flowering periwinkle
Fragrant valerian
Male fern
Mix in equal parts. Add 1 oz. mixture to 1 qt. cold water and bring to a boil. Simmer briefly, then steep 15 to 30 minutes. Strain and add to bath water.
Appetite, For Lack Of
Juniper berries
Balm leaves
European centaury
Nettle leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.
More info on poor appetite.
Appetite, For Lack Of
Watercress (2 parts)
Fresh horseradish (3 parts)
Soak 3 oz. of the mixture in 2 qt. white wine for several days. Strain. Take 1/2 cup daily, before breakfast.
More info on poor appetite.
Fragrant valerian root (1 part)
Shave grass (1 part)
European mistletoe (4 parts)
Hawthorn (4 parts)
Soak 1 tbsp. chopped plant parts in 1/2 cup cold water for 8 hours. Take 1/2 cup a day, spaced out in 3 or 4 doses. More info on arteriosclerosis.
Arthritis Tea
Alder buckthorn bark
American angelica root
Black cohosh
Fragrant valerian root
Yellow gentian root
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 heaping tsp. in 1 cup boiling water until lukewarm. Take 3 cups a day, 1/2 cup at a time.
More info on arthritis.
Arthritis Tea
Bearberry leaves
Black cohosh
Cascara sagrada
Pokeweed root
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1-1/2 tsp. mixture in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Take 1 cup morning and evening. Sweeten with honey if desired.
More info on arthritis.
Arthritis Tea
Yerba buena
Yerba santa
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1-1/2 tbsp. mixture in 1 cup boiling water until the tea is cold. Take 2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.
More info on arthritis.
Arthritis Poultice - (for swollen joints)
Mullein leaves (6 parts)
Slippery elm bark (9 parts)
Lobelia (3 parts)
Cayenne (1 part)
Add 3 oz. mixture to boiling water to make a paste. Spread the paste on a cloth and apply to the affected area.
More info on arthritis.
Arthritis Liminent
Yerba santa
Mix in equal parts. Put any amount of mixture in enough olive oil to cover. Simmer for 30 to 60 minutes. Strain, and apply to affected parts when cool.More info on arthritis.
Ground ivy
Blue vervain
Mix in equal parts. Simmer 4 tbsp. mixture in 1 qt. water for 20 minutes and strain. Take 3 to 4 tbsp. 3 or 4 times a day. More info on asthma.
Asthma, For Relief of Attack
Ground ivy
Yerba santa
Gum plant
Blue vervain
Simmer 8 tbsp. mixture in 1 qt. water for 30 minutes and strain. Take 4 tbsp. as a first dose, followed by 2 tbsp. every 1/2 hour. When the attack subsides, take 4 tbsp. every 4 hours.
More info on asthma.
Bronchial Asthma
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.
More info on asthma.
- (an herbal bath)
Hops (1 lb.)
Thyme (1 oz.)
Sage (1 oz.)
Lavender (1 oz.)
Put the mixture into a muslin bag and tie securely. Soak the bag in the bath water for 10 minutes.
- (an herbal bath)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Dandelion root (1 part)
Young nettle leaves (1 part)
Elder shoots (2 parts)
Primrose flowers and leaves (2 parts)
Steep 1 to 2 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 cup a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.
Sitzbath For Women's Abdominal Problems
Lady's mantle
Oak bark
Shave grass
Oat straw
Mix in equal parts. Boil 8 to 9 oz. in 5 qt. water briefly, then steep for 10 minutes. Use warm for sitzbath.
Blood Builder Tea - (vitamins and minerals)
Spinach (2 parts)
Parsley (1 part)
Put 3 handfuls of this mixture through an electric vegetable juicer. Then add an equal amount of orange juice. Take a cup of this "cocktail" 2 or 3 times a day.
Blood Pressure, High
Caraway (1 part)
Fennel (1 part)
Anise (1 part)
Milfoil (1 part)
Chamomile (2 parts)
Peppermint leaves (2 parts)
Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses. More info on high blood pressure.
Blood Cleanser
- (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Burdock root (3 parts)
Black elder leaves (5 parts)
Nettle (5 parts)
Pansy (10 parts)
Steep 1 heaping tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for a short time. Sweeten with 1 tsp. honey. For a "spring cure" take 1/2 cup a day for 8 to 14 days.
Blood Cleanser
- (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Blackberry leaves (2 parts)
Nettle leaves (2 parts)
Black elder leaes (1 part)
Dandelion root (1 part)
Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups in the course of a day, in mouthful doses.
Blood Cleanser
- (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Wormwood (1 part)
Milfoil (2 parts)
White birch leaves (2 parts)
European centaury (2 parts)
Peppermint leaves (4 parts)
Pansy (4 parts)
Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day, each time with fresh juice from watercress or nettle.
Blood Cleanser
- (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Aldr buckthron bark (6 parts)
Burdock root (2 parts)
Yellow dock (2 parts)
Sarsaparilla root (2 parts)
Pansy herb (2 parts)
Wild clover blossoms (2 parts)
Licorice root (3 parts)
Coriander seed (1 part)
Boild 1 tsp. mixture in 2 cups water for 2 to 3 minutes; let stand 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup in the morning and 1 cup at night.
Blood Cleanser - (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Anise (1 part)
German chamomile (4 parts)
Caraway (4 parts)
American senna leaves (8 parts)
Steep 2 tsp. in 1 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup, morning and evening.
Blood Cleanser
- (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Dandelion root and leaves
German chamomile flowers
American senna leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 2 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup, morning and evening, fresh made each time.
Blood Cleanser - (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Witch grass root
Ground ivy
Elder leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 heaping tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with 2 tsp. honey per cup, in mouthful doses.
Blood Cleanser - (to purify the blood)
This mixture is composed of herbs that interact to eliminate toxins and metabolic end products such as uric acid.
Blackthorn flowers
American senna leaves
Black elder flowers
Buck bean
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day.
Blood Sugar, To Lower
Bean pods (4 parts)
Fumitory (5 parts)
Euclayptus leaves (5 parts)
Dyer's broom (5 parts)
Birch leaves (6 parts)
Milk thistle seeds (7 parts)
Bilberry leaves (7 parts)or
Bean pods (1 part)
Nettle leaves (1 part)
Birch leaves (2 parts)
Bilberry leaves (6 parts)
Steep 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
More info on diabetes.
Boils and Carbuncles
Flax seed powder (10 parts)
Althea root powder (5 parts)
Oat powder (5 parts)
Echinacea powder (1 part)
Use the powder mixture to make a poultice for treatment. More info on boils and carbuncles
Bronchitis, Healing and Soothing Tea
Althea leaves (1 part)
High mallow (1 part)
Licorice root (1 part)
Flax seed (2 parts)
Bring 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup water to a boil. Sweeten with honey; take 1/2 cup, 2 or 3 times a day, as hot as possible.
More info on bronchitis.
Bronchitis, Healing and Soothing Tea
Licorice root
Lance-leaf plantain leaves
Fennel seed
Coltsfoot leaves
Mix in equal parts. Bring 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup water to a boil. Sweeten with honey or brown sugar; take 1/2 cup, 3 times a day, as not as possible.
More info on bronchitis.
Bronchitis, Healing and Soothing Tea
Mallow leaves and flowers
Mullein leaves and flowers
Coltsfoot leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Sweeten with honey; take 1/2 cup, 3 or 4 times a day, hot.
More info on bronchitis.
Bronchitis, Healing and Soothing Tea
Althea root
Althea herb
Coltsfoot leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup hot, sweetened with honey, 3 or 4 times a day.
More info on bronchitis.
Bronchitis, Healing and Soothing Tea
Elecampane root
Nettle leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup hot, sweetened with honey, 3 or 4 times a day.
More info on bronchitis.
Carinative - (for relief of gas and bloat)
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Taken unsweetened, in mouthful doses.
Carinative - (for relief of gas and bloat)
German Chamomile
Peppermint leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup, once or twice a day.
Carinative - (for relief of gas and bloat)
Germman chamomile
Balm leaves
Fennel seed
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day.
Chest & Lung Problems - (tea to relieve congestion & inflammation)
Lande-leaf plantain (1 part)
Mullein flowers (1 part)
Lungwort (1 part)
Speedwell (2 parts)
Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with raw sugar or honey, in mouthful doses.
Chest & Lung Problems - (tea to relieve congestion & inflammation)
Milfoil (1 part)
Coltsfoot leaves and flowers (1 part)
Lungwort (2 parts)
Nettle leaves (2 parts)
Lande-leaf plantain leaves (4 parts)
Steep 2 level tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with 2 tsp. honey per cup, in mouthful doses.
Chest & Lung Problem s - (tea to relieve congestion & inflammation)
Shave grass
Hemp nettle
Primrose flower
Boil equal parts of knotgrass and shave grass lightly, then steep equal parts of hemp nettle and primrose flowers in the decoction for 5 minutes. Add 1 tsp. honey per cup. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.
Chest & Lung Problems - (tea to relieve congestion & inflammation)
Shave grass
Witch hazel
Hemp nettle
Mix in equal parts. Add 1 heaping tsp. to 1/2 cup cold water. Bring to a boil and boil for 1 minute, then steep for 1 minute and strain. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses, sweetened with 2 tsp. honey per cup, if desired.
Chest Colds - (tea to relieve congestion & inflammation)
Shave grass (1 part)
Nettle leaves (1 part)
Lande-leaf plantain leaves (2 parts)
Lungwort (2 parts)
Steep 3 heaping tsp. mixture in 1-1/2 cups boiling water. Strain and add 3 tsp. honey. Take 1-1/2 cups in the course of a day, in mouthful doses. More info on chest colds.
Chest Colds
- (tea to relieve congestion & inflammation)
Anise seed (1 part)
Coltsfoot leaves (2 parts)
Lungwort (2 parts)
Steep 2 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Add this tea to 1-1/2 cups althea tea which has been prepared by soaking 1 tbsp. althea root, leaves and/or flowers in 1/2 cup cold water for 8 hours. Take the mixture with honey, in mouthful doses. More info on chest colds.
For Lung Hemmorhage
Shepherd's purse
European mistletoe
Tormentil root
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take every 4 hours. If condition has reached a serious stage, call the physician without delay.
St. Benedict thistle
Alder buckthorn bark
Mix in equal parts. Soak 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup cold water for 8 hours, then bring to a boil. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses. More info on cholagogue.
Cold Compress Formula
Horseweed (2 parts)
Low mallow leaves (2 parts)
Wild sage leaves (2 parts)
Henbane leaves (1 part)
Celandine leaves (1 part)
Boil 1 tbsp. mixture in 1 pint off water for 2 to 3 minutes; let stand until lukewarm, then strain.
Fragrant valerian
Buck bean
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tbsp. in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Drink warm. More info on colic.
Colic In Infants
Fennel seed (4 parts)
Water mint leaves (3 parts)
Chamomile flowers (2 parts)
Fragrant valerian (1 part)
Steep 1/2 tsp. mixture in 1-1/2 cups boiling water for 5 inutes, then strain. Give in 5 or 6 doses during the day, in warm milk or by itself. More info on colic.
Colic, A Tea For Relief
Juniper berries
Chamomile flowers
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 cup, unsweetened. More info on colic.
Constipation, A Good Laxative Tea
Take a drink consisting of 2 parts tomato juice and 1 part sauerkraut juice. More info on constipation.
Constipation, A Good Laxative Tea
Borage leaves and flowers (2 parts)
Dandelion (1 part)
Sticklewort (1 part)
Witch grass (1 part)
Steep 1 tbsp. of the mixture in 1-1/2 cups boiling water. Take unsweetened, in mouthful doses. More info on constipation.
Herbal Enema for Presistnet Constipation
European centaury (2 oz.)
Dandelion (2 oz.)
Witch grass (2 oz.)
Mix in equal parts. Bring the mixture to a boil, in a qt. of water, then let steep until lukewarm. Use in the evening.
More info on constipation.
Arnold Ehret's Herbal Intestinal Broom
Note: All "ground" ingredients should be about as coarse as loose tea, the "powdered" ones about as fine as powdered sugar.
Ground senna leaves (6 parts)
Ground buckthorn bark (3 parts)
Ground psyllium seed husks (1 part)
Powdered sassafras root bark (1/10 th part)
Ground dark anis seed (1/2 part)
Ground buchu leaves (1/10 th part)
Ground blonde psyllium seed (1/2 part)
Powdered Irish moss (1/8 th part)
Granulated agar-agar (1/8 th part)
Ground dark fennel seed (1/2 part)
Mix the first 3 ingredients thoroughly. Then combine the remaining 7 real well, and add this to the mixture. If you have a blender, it makes an ideal mixer for preparing the formula. Use low speed.
The "Intestinal Broom" is easy to use. Usually a small amount, about the quantity that fits on half a teaspoon, or less, swallowed with a glassful of water, is sufficient for adults. It may be increased or decreased according to your own reaction.
It may also be used sprinkled over salads, or brewed as a tea: 1/2 tsp. to a cup of boiling water. Remove from heat and allow to steep for 10 or 15 minutes. Strain and enjoy. It has a fascinating flavor.
Hedge hyssop leaves
American senna leaves
Mix equal parts. Add 1 tsp. to 1/2 cup simmering water, bring to a boil, and let cool. Take 1/2 cup, morning and evening.
More info on constipation.
A Good Laxative Tea
Alder buckthorn bark
German chamomile
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup before eating in the morning. This mixture is a mild laxative.
More info on constipation.
A Good Laxative Tea
Alder buckthorn bark
American senna leaves
Mix in equal parts. Soak 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup cold water for 3 hours, then bring quickly to a boil. Take 1/2 cup, morning and evening.
More info on constipation.
A Good Laxative Tea
Alder buckthorn bark
Mix in equal parts. Take 1/2 to 1 cup a day, unsweetened, in mouthful doses.
More info on constipation.
Coughs, A Natural Cough Syrup
Put 6 cut-up white onions in a double boiler and add 1/2 cup honey. Cook slowly over low heat for 2 hours and strain. Take at regular intervals, preferably warm.
To Relieve Bronchial Cough
Licorice (16 parts)
Lungwort (10 parts)
Spotted cranesbill (8 parts)
Aniseed (8 parts)
Wild cherry bark (8 parts)
Oswego tea (5 parts)
Irish moss (4 parts)
Lobelia (3 parts)
Boil 1-1/2 tsp. mixture slowly in 2 cups water, in a covered pot, for 2 to 3 minutes; then let stand for 10 minutes. Strain and take 1 cup, morning and evening. Sweeten with honey or raw sugar if desired.
For Bronchial Cough in Small Children
Coltsfoot (2 parts)
Horehound (2 parts)
Cherry bark (1 part)
Simmer 5 tbsp. mixture in 2-1/2 cups water for 20 minutes and strain. Add honey to sweeten. The dose is from 1 to 4 tbsp. 4 times a day, depending on age.
For Relief of Coughs
Coltsfoot leaves and flowers
Lance-leaf plantain
Mix in equal parts. Steep 2 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1-1/2 cups a day, warm, with honey, in mouthful doses.
For Relief of Coughs
Lance-leaf plantain (2 parts)
Coltsfoot (2 parts)
Knotgrass (3 parts)
Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Sweeten with honey. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.
For Relief of Coughs
Licorice root
Althea root
Lance-leaf plantain
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with honey.
For Relief of Coughs
Witch grass (12 parts)
Aniseed (12 parts)
Licorice (18 parts)
Elecampane root (11 parts)
Lungwort (10 parts)
Thyme leaves (8 parts)
Murillo bark (4 parts)
Irish moss (4 parts)
Lobelia herb (1 part)
Boil 2 tsp. mixture in 3 cups of water for 2 to 3 minutes; let stand for 10 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup, morning, noon and night.
Coughs, Bronchitis, & Other Respiratory Problems
Sage (1 part)
Althea root (1 part)
Lungwort (2 parts)
Milfoil (4 parts)
Lance-leaf plantain leaves (2 parts)
Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1-1/2 to 2 cups a day, sweetened with 2 tsp. honey per cup; take warm, in mouthful doses. More info on bronchitis.
Whooping Cough
Oil of broom pine (80 parts)
Oil of eucalyptus (5 parts)
Oil of pine needles (5 parts)
Camphor (5 parts)
Oil of cloves (2 parts)
Mix and shake until the camphor is dissolved. Add 2 tsp. mixture to slowly boiling water and inhale the vapors, or let evaporate in patient's room.
Whooping Cough
Sage (5 parts)
Anise (8 parts)
Primrose (10 parts)
Althea root (15 parts)
Elder flowers (15 parts)
Thyme (15 parts)
Soak 1 tbsp. in 1/2 cup cold water for 3 hours, then bring to a boil and steep 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup a day, in tablespoon doses.
Whooping Cough
Elecampane root
Nettle leaves
Mix in equal parts. Steep 10 minutes in boiling water. Strain. Sweeten with honey.
Whooping Cough
Mother of thyme
Mouse ear
Licorice root
Mix in equal parts. Steep 2 tbsp. mixture in 3 cups of boiling water for 30 minutes, covered. Strain and sweeten with honey. Take 1 to 4 tbsp. 4 times a day between meals, dose depending on age.
Whooping Cough
Elder flowers
Lance-leaf plantain
Pansy flowers
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup daily, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.
Whooping Cough
Black currant leaves
Garden violet flowers
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup daily, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.
Whooping Cough
Sundew (1 part)
Fennel (1 part)
Primrose flowers (3 parts)
Thyme (5 parts)
Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup boiling water for 3 to 5 minutes, then add 1 tsp. honey. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, in mouthful doses.
Whooping Cough
Licorice root (2 parts)
Sundew leaves (2 parts)
Lance-leaf plantain (2 parts)
Mother of thyme (5 parts)
Steep 1 tsp. of mixture in 1/2 cup boiling water. Take 1 cup a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses. Good for children.
Whooping Cough
European mistletoe
Soak 2 tsp mistletoe in 1/2 cup cold water for 6 to 8 hours. Then steep 2 tsp. sage in 1 cup boiling water, strain and let cool to drinking temperature. Add to mistletoe tea. Take the mixed tea, unsweetened, in mouthful doses as needed.
Cramps & Spasms, To Relieve
Balm leaves
Chamomile flowers
Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Take 1 to 1-1/2 cups a day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.