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Folk Medicine Formulas

For Asthma

  • Coughwort (3 parts)
  • Plantain (3 parts)
  • Sage (3 parts)
  • Silver Mullein (1 part)
  • Steep 2 to 4 heaping tsp. of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water, let it stand for 15 minutes, strain and add 2 tbsp. of honey. Take 1 to 2 tbsp. every hour. More info on asthma.

    Catarrahal Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis

  • Elecampane root
  • Steep 1 to 2 tbsp. of ground root in 1 cup boiling water. When cool, drink 1 to 2 tbsp. every hour. More info on cattarahl asthma & chronic bronchitis.

    Cystitis & Urinary Tract Infections

  • Linden flower
  • Elder flowers
  • St. Johns Wort
  • German Chamomile flowers
  • Blackberry leaves
  • Mix in equal parts. Steep 2 to 4 heaping tsp. of mixture in 1 cup of boiling water, allow to cool, strain and drink 1 cupful 3 times per day, 30 minutes before meals. More info on cystits.

    Blood Purifying Tea

  • Dandelion root (4 parts)
  • Chicory root (4 parts)
  • Witch grass root (4 parts)
  • Fennel seed (1 part)
    Steep 1 or 2 tbsp. mixture in 1 cup boiling water, boil for 1 minute, let cool, strain. Take 2 tbsp. 30 minutes after meals.

    For Neuritis, Migraines, Etc.

  • St. Johns Wort (1 oz.)
  • Primrose flower (1 oz.)
  • Blessed thistle (1 oz.)
  • Lavender flowers (1 oz.)
  • Sweet balm leaves (1 oz.)
  • Peppermint leaves (2 oz.)
  • Fragran valerian root (2 oz.)
  • Steep 2 or 3 heaping tsp. of the mixture in 1 cup boiling water; cover with saucer and when cool, strain and drink 3 cupfuls every day. Either 1/2 hour before or after meals. More info on migraines.

    For Gout, Muscular Rheumatism

  • Birch leaves (3 oz.)
  • Horsetail grass (2 oz.)
  • Restharrow (1 oz.)
  • Garden rue (1 oz.)
  • Juniper berries (1 oz.)
  • Yarrow (1 oz.)
  • Steep 1 or 2 heaping tsp. in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes, allow to cool a little, strain and drink while still warm, 1 cup 30 minutes before or after each meal. This should have a diet with the treatment. Avoid meats, fish, sweets, pastries and alcoholic beverages. Eat fresh green vegetables and fruits, eat only sparingly of breads, eggs, cheese. Avoid as much as possible any drinks containing sugar. (If sweets are desired, eat honey.). More info on gout & muscular rheumatism.

    Improve the Appetite, General Tonic

  • Rocky Mountain grape
  • Gentian
  • Marshmallow
  • Sacred bark
  • Turtlebloom
  • Yellow root
  • Fennel seed
  • Jamaica ginger
  • Anise seed
  • Thyme
  • Juniper berries
  • Colic root
  • Bearberry leaves

  • Blood Builder Tonic, Malaria & Anemia

  • Harvest black walnut leaves before the nuts form, make a tea from them. Drink 1 cupful 3 times a day. More info on malaria & anemia.

  • Asthma

  • Wild plum bark tea. More info on asthma.

  • Tone Up the System & Circulation

    - (good for anyone tired and run-down for loss of appetite.)
  • Gentian root (1 tsp.)
  • Rocky Mountain grape root (1 tsp.)
  • German chamomile (1 tsp.)
  • Goldenseal (1 tsp.)
  • Cascara bark (2 tbsp.)
  • Place in well covered fruit jar. Shake to mix thoroughly. Steep 1 heaping tbsp. in 1 pint of boiling water, let stand until cold, strain and take 1/3 cupful 3 times per day.

    Tonic For Arteriosclerosis & High Blood Pressure

    Choose one of the following:
  • Mistletoe
  • Yellow dock root
  • Life everlasting
  • Mormon valley herbs
  • Deep breathing is necessary aid to treatment. More info on arteriosclerosis & hypertension.
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