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Poor Appetite


Emotional factors such as stress, depression, and trauma may lead to a poor appetite. Controllable factors such as alcohol, cigarette, and drug use can result in poor appetite. As can an undetected illness, heavy metal poisoning, and nutritional deficiencies. To stimulate a poor appetite, the diet must be individualized to the tolerances of the patient. Undernourished people may lose their appetite at the sight of large amounts of food. So, frequent small meals are better tolerated with a gradual increase in the volume of food. Also, consider the appearance and aroma of the foods, in addition to whether the environment is conducive to eating.


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Multivitamin/mineral high potency complex, as directed on the label. Vitamin A, 25,000 IU per day. Calcium, 1,500 mg. per day. Magnesium, 750 mg. per day. Vitamin B complex, 100 mg. or more daily, (vitamin B or liver injections may be necessary), is a high stress vitamin that increases the appetite. Zinc, 80 mg. per day, enhances the taste of foods. Copper, 3 mg. per day, is needed to balance the zinc. Brewer's yeast, start with 1/2 tsp. and work up, is rich in nutrients, especially B-complex vitamins, and improves the appetite. Protein supplement, taken between meals, is needed to build and repair tissue and acts as an appetite stimulant.


  • TB
    • Alder
    • Alfalfa
    • Angelica root
    • Ash, American mountain
    • Balmony
    • Barberry, common
    • Barley sprouts
    • Beech
    • Birch
    • Blessed thistle
    • Calamus
    • Capsicum
    • Caraway
    • Catnip
    • Cayenne
    • Celery seed
    • Centaury, European
    • Ceyenne pepper
    • Chamomile
    • Columbo root
    • Devil's-bit
    • Dill
    • Fennel seed
    • Ginger root
    • Ginseng
    • Gentian, stiff (ague weed)
    • Gold thread
    • Gotu kola
    • Hoptree (wafer ash)
    • Hyssop
    • Juniper berries
    • Knapweed
    • Lady's mantle
    • Lemon balm, leaves
    • Magnolia bark
    • Mint
    • Mugwort
    • Mustard
    • Nettle leaves
    • Nutmeg
    • Papaya leaves
    • Peppermint leaves
    • Palmetto, saw, leaves
    • Plantain, downy rattlesnake
    • Rose hips
    • Sarsaparilla
    • Tarragon, wild or Russian
    • Thistle, blessed
    • Thistle, milk
    • Thyme
    • Valerian
    • Winter cress
    • Yarrow
    • Yellow Dock


    Do not drink liquids before or during meals.

    Eat between meals: avocados, banana soy pudding, buttermilk, cheese, chicken or tuna, custard, fruit shakes, nuts and nut butters, turkey and yogurt. In addition to promoting weight gain, these snacks are easy to digest, are high in protein and essential fatty acids, and contain "friendly" bacteria.

    Drink 3 or more cups a day of skim, soy or almond milk. Use a soy carob drink and yogurt fruit shakes. Eat only whole grain breads, rolls, macaroni, crackers, and hot and cold cereals. Use cream (soy) soups as desired. They are usually higher in protein than broth soups. Use the kinds that your system can tolerate.

    Walking and/or moderate exercise can trigger appetite. Exercise if possible, but avoid strenuous exercise. Some exercise helps to assimilate nutrients better and to increase appetite.

    See the doctor to rule out a physical disorder.


    For lack of appetite, this tea is recommended in some references: Juniper berries, Balm leaves, European centaury, Nettle leaves: Mix in equal parts. Steep 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of boiling water. Take 1/2 to 1 cup per day, sweetened with honey, in mouthful doses.

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