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Folk Remedies Handed Down From Generations Long Past
The history of the relationship between products from living plants and healing medications goes back to the very beginnings of medicine itself, from 3700 B.C. Egypt, followed by the Chinese and later the Greeks and Romans. In the early frontier days of West Virginia, the vast majority of settlers in our region were cut off from any kind of "formal" medical care and moreover, competent physicians long remained beyond the reach, both physically and financially, of a vast segment of the population. For residents deprived of these benefits, folk medicine derived from time-honored and age-old traditions was used.
Even after new and better treatments became available, residents clung tenaciously to folk remedies handed down from generations long past. Many such remedies survived well into the twentieth century and even yet constitute a part of the home treatments practiced in remote areas of the mountains. Today, when medical help is easy to find, many people cling to the use of plant based remedies.
Please click on the ailment below to read about the folk medicine herbal formula to treat it.
For Asthma
Catarrahal Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis
Cystitis & Urinary Tract Infections
Blood Purifying Tea
For Neuritis, Migraines, Etc.
For Gout, Muscular Rheumatism
Improve the Appetite, General Tonic
Blood Builder Tonic, Malaria & Anemia
Tone Up the System & Circulation
Tonic For Arteriosclerosis & High Blood Pressure |
High Blood Pressure
To Improve Appetite
Loss of Appetite, Poor Complexion, Health Builder
Spring Tonic, Improve Appetite
Improve Appetite
Tonic For Appetite
Relief of Belching, Indigestion, Relief of Old Age
Spring Tonic
Tonic Remedy
Tonic |