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A hereditary metabolic disease that is a form of acute arthritis and is marked by inflammation of the joints. Joints affected may be at any location but gout usually begins in the knee or foot.


Excessive uric acid (hyperuricemia) in the blood and deposits of urates of sodium in and around the joints. Several different metabolic abnormalities this condition. Approximately 90% of gout patients are male. The peak age for onset of symptoms in men is between 40 and 50; women rarely have gout before menopause. Gout is closely related to the diet, but may be brought on by stress. Obesity and an improper diet increase the tendency for gout. Also called the "disease of kings" and "rheumatism of the rich" because of the rich diets people consume.


Most cases are without symptoms. When an acute attack occurs it usually begins at night with moderate pain that increases in intensity to the point where no body position provides relief. The big toe is a frequent site. If you think you might have gout, have your doctor do a test to diagnose and treat the condition.


The condition responds to Colchicine. Medications to prevent uric acid in the blood and prevent kidney stones from deposits of uric acid in the kidney. Fluids should be forced at the rate of 3 liters per day. Aspirin should be avoided.

Bedrest the first 24 hours after onset of acute attack with the affected joints elevated. Analgesics administered, cold or hot compresses applied to relieve pain. Maintain a low-purine diet (see recommendations below) that is well balanced.
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Vitamin B complex, 100 mg. twice daily (avoid high amounts of niacin). Folic acid, taken as directed on the label, is an important aid in nucleoprotein metabolism. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), 500 mg. daily in divided doses, is the antistress vitamin. Vitamin C, 3,000-5,000 mg. daily in divided doses, lowers serum uric acid. Germanium, 100 mg. twice daily, reduces pain and swelling. Kelp, 6 tablets per day, contains complete protein and vital minerals to reduce serum uric acid. Vitamin E, started with 100 IU per day and increase slowly to 600 IU per day, neutralizes free radicals and improves circulation. Zinc, 50-60 mg. per day, is important to protein metabolism and tissue repair. Calcium, 1,500 mg. daily. Magnesium, 750 mg. daily. Vitamin A, 25,000-50,000 IU daily for a month, then reduce to 15,000 IU, is another potent antioxidant.


  • TB
    • Alflafa leaf
    • Agrimony, small-flower
    • Ash tree, American white
    • Asparagus
    • Balm of Gilead
    • Betony, wood
    • Birch
    • Bitterroot
    • Blackberry
    • Boneset
    • Broom
    • Buckthorn bark
    • Burdock, great
    • Cactus, prickly-pear
    • Calico bush
    • Capsicum
    • Celery
    • Chamomile
    • Chickweed
    • Cohosh, blue
    • Comfrey
    • Couch grass
    • Eucalyptus
    • Feverfew
    • Germander, wall
    • Ginger root
    • Ginseng
    • Golden rod
    • Gravel root
    • Hyssop
    • Juniper, berries
    • Labrador tea
    • Mugwort
    • Mullein
    • Nettle
    • Oak
    • Pennyroyal
    • Plantain
    • Poke root
    • Rue
    • St. John's wort
    • Sarsaparilla
    • Senna
    • Skullcap
    • Speedwell
    • Tacamahac
    • Tamarack
    • Thistle, blessed
    • Valerian
    • Violet, blue, leaf
    • Yarrow
    • Yellow parilla


    Eat only raw fruits and vegetables for two weeks. Juices are best. Also include grains, seeds, and nuts. Frozen or fresh cherry juice, cherries and strawberries neutralize uric acid, so eat lots of them. Drink celery juice diluted with distilled water. Drink only distilled water.

    Eat NO meat of any kind. Meat contains extremely high amounts of uric acid. Avoid gravies and rich foods, such as cakes and pies, leave white flour and sugar products out of your diet. If you are prone to gout, limit your intake of dried beans, cauliflower, fish, lentils, oatmeal, peas, poultry, spinach, and yeast products.

    Avoid purine-rich foods including: anchovies, asparagus, consommé, herring, meat gravies and broths, mushrooms, mussels, all organ meats, sardines, and sweetbreads. Never mix these foods with alcohol if you are prone to gout! Alcohol increases the production of uric acid and must be eliminated from the diet.

    Avoid restricted weight loss diets. Abruptly, cutting back on foods or a fast of longer than 3 days may result in increased uric acid levels.


    Because of the cellular destruction associated with chemotherapy in cancer treatment, uric acid is often released in extreme amounts, resulting in gouty arthritis. See the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

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