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  • Carbuncles and Furuncles

  • Definition

    A furuncle is a localized pyogenic infection originating in a hair follicle. A carbuncle is a deep-seated pyogenic infection of several contiguous hair follicles, with formation of connecting sinuses, often preceded or accompanied by fever, malaise, and prostration. The word boil is a lay term referring to either furuncle or carbuncle. Hereafter, the term boil is meant to be either furuncle or carbuncle. A boil is a round, tender, pus-filled raised area of the skin, developing a white cap which will rupture if stressed. A boil may be caused by bacterial infection, an airborne or food allergy, stress, poor hygiene, an illness, a lowered resistance, certain drugs, excessive consumption of junk food, an infected wound, a toxic bowel and bloodstream, or thyroid disorders. Also, it may be an infection of a hair follicle in the deepest section. The inflammations spreads, often with staphylococcus bacteria. A carbuncle occurs when the infection spreads and other boils are formed. The formation of a carbuncle may be an indication of immune depression.


    Itching, mild pain, localized swelling before boils appear suddenly. Within 24 hrs. they become red and filled with pus. Swelling of the nearest lymph glands occur. A boil will normally heal in 10-25 days. If the boil is very large, see the doctor, he may want to drain the boil. Boils most often appear on the scalp, buttocks, face, and underarms, but may occur anywhere on the body.


    Flax seed powder (10 parts)
    Oat powder (5 parts)
    Althea root powder (5 parts)
    Echinacea powder (1 part)
    Use the powder mixture to make a poultice for treatment. (It is best to grind the herbs to a powdered or granulated form. Add water until the mixture is the consistency of a thick paste. Spread this paste on a piece of fresh white cotton so that it is a quarter inch thick, and cover the area completely. Place a towel over the poultice to prevent heat loss. It is best to cleanse the area first with hydrogen peroxide before applying the poultice. Apply the herb poultice directly to the affected area, making sure that it covers the area completely. A second layer should be added to retain heat. Do not reheat a poultice and reuse. When poultice has cooled, remove and discard. Wash the skin thoroughly). If boils spread, discontinue poultices.

    Echinacea is excellent for cleansing the blood; take two capsules twice a day. A hot bath may help keep from the spread of the boils. Eat oranges or drink plenty of orange juice, along with grapefruit, tomatoes (canned or fresh), fresh vegetables, etc.

    When you find you have one or more boils, you can help bring them to a head by the following method. Boil some ground linseed, or fenugreek seed in water. Apply the resulting hot mash and this will soften the spot and draw the pus to the surface, enabling you to discharge it. Hot mashed potatoes give a similar result. The wound should be cleansed and then sprinkled with lactose (milk sugar) or calcium powder and apply pulped cabbage leaves. This treatment works quickly. Never pinch the boil or force the pus from it. This simply spreads the boil. It will rupture on its own or it may be opened and drained by a doctor. If you must open the wound yourself, be sure the needle or knife you use is sterile before use.

    Care should be taken not to spread the pus over the skin or near an open cut or irritation of the skin. Cleanse well after draining and poultice it again to remove any remaining pus.
    Herbal Medicine Formulas and Recipes
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    Chlorophyll taken 3 times daily, 1 tbsp in liquid form. Wheatgrass and alfalfa are good sources of chlorophyll which is needed to cleanse the bloodstream. Garlic capsules taken 2 capsules 3 times a day. Kyolic is a natural antibiotic and helps immune function. Germanium 200 mg. daily, is needed for the immune system and aids in cleansing the bloodstream. Proteolytic enzymes twice daily on an empty stomach, speeds up cleansing process of infection sites. Vitamin A and E emulsion 75,000 IU vitamin A, 600 IU vitamin E daily for one month, then 25,000 IU vitamin A, and 600 IU vitamin E daily, is necessary for proper immune system function.


  • TB
    • Aloe
    • Althea
    • Arnica
    • Ash, prickly
    • Balm (poultice)
    • Baptisia (wild indigo)
    • Barberry
    • Bayberry bark (poultice)
    • Birch
    • Blessed thistle
    • Burdock root
    • Calendula
    • Castor bean
    • Celandine, lesser
    • Cherry, bark or small twigs
    • Chickweed
    • Cicely, sweet
    • Cinnabar
    • Clover, red
    • Comfrey
    • Coral
    • Dandelion
    • Datura
    • Dock, yellow
    • Echinacea
    • Elderberries
    • Elm, slippery
    • Fenugreek
    • Figwort
    • Flaxseed
    • Goldenseal
    • Hops
    • Houndstongue
    • Indian strawberry
    • Jack-in-the-pulpit
    • Ju hua
    • Labrador tea
    • Latifolia
    • Lily, white pond
    • Linden
    • Lobelia
    • Lopseed
    • Male fern
    • Mallow, common
    • Maple, sugar
    • Maypop
    • Melilot, yellow
    • Motherwort
    • Mullein
    • Mustard seed
    • Nettle, blind
    • Origanum
    • Passion flower
    • Pau d'arco
    • Plantain, wild
    • Poke weed
    • Pussytoes, plantain-leaved
    • Puttyroot
    • Pyrola, round-leaved
    • Raspberry leaves
    • St. John's wort
    • Sarsaparilla, wild
    • Sesame seeds (black)
    • Seven barks
    • Sheep sorrel
    • Shinleaf
    • Slippery elm
    • Sorrel
    • Strawberry leaves
    • Suma
    • Tetterwort
    • Thistle
    • Turkey corn
    • Violet, leaves
    • White clover
    • White oak bark
    • White pine
    • White water lily
    • White pond lily
    • Wood sage
    • Yellow dock
    Pau d'arco, like burdock root, is a natural antibiotic that helps rid the body of infections and toxins. Echinacea and goldenseal help to cleanse the lymph glands. Dandelion and black radish are liver cleansers.


    Wash the infected area several times a day and swab with antiseptic. Some recommend application of honey directly on the boil. Vitamin E and A emulsion applied directly on the boils is effective. Use clay packs. Warm epsom salts baths are good or apply warm moist heat 3-4 times a day. Use clean towels to prevent spreading of boils. An onion poultice may be beneficial (use between pieces of cloth, do not apply directly to the affected area).

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